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Problems viewing your Reading.

Visitors to our site occasionally have problems viewing their reading.
It is usually one of two things:
  1. Adobe (Acrobat) Reader has problems with the document (eg it says it is Damaged).

  2. It is invariably caused by a problem with the installation of Adobe (Acrobat) Reader. The quick and easy solution is to simply download the latest version (it's free). You can do that here.

    If you still have problems, try launching Adobe (Acrobat) Reader and open your will from within it.

  3. Outlook Express has blocked the attachment.

  4. Within Outlook Express click on the Tools menu, select Options, click on the Security tab then make sure there is no tick in the box with the description 'Do not allow attachements to be saved or opened that could potentially be a virus' - the box should be empty.