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"Welcome to our Colossus Movie Guide for Past Lives. This guide contains everything you need to understand the film."

Past Lives (2023) The Definitive Explanation - Colossus

"Past Lives a beautiful, crushing movie that is about much more than a love triangle. Find out about the deeper themes and meaning of this instant classic."

"Song is more interested in exploring how people change than how they stay together how identity is defined as much by where we are now as who we were then"

Past Lives is In select theaters and available for digital purchase.

"Song is more interested in exploring how people change than how they stay together how identity is defined as much by where we are now as who we were then"

Past Lives review a spine-tingling romance of lost chances Romance films The Guardian

"Korean-Canadian writer-director Celine Songs tremendous feature debut tells the poignant tale of childhood sweethearts separated by fate and thousands of miles."

Past Lives

This is such a simple film, yet the magnificence is in the detail. A love story of mature heart, with a true sense of the real world. For a debut, Celine Song has a bright future behind the camera, and the performances of Lee and Yoo are damn near flawless.
Memories of old can be a lonely thing..


"Past Lives is a romantic tribute to the longing of the Korean diaspora for a lost past and homeland, a captivating and sensitively constructed film that will be enjoyed by many."

Discover your Past Life.

"Past Lives is a romantic tribute to the longing of the Korean diaspora for a lost past and homeland, a captivating and sensitively constructed film that will be enjoyed by many."

Past Lives: a luxurious and lingering portrayal of lost love and identity in the Korean diaspora

"Loving portrait of an unrequited love and a cultural divide."

Well, after Zak Hepburn and Michael Rowlamd raved about the other day ('best film at the Oscars' predictions!), I must say I was a little underwhelmed. Very expertly executed, sure, but it didn't blow me away. I think maybe they've not been to very many film festivals the subtlety seemed to be a novelty to them, yet the weak plot construct didn't bother them.


Watched the film 'Past Lives' last night. Utterly superb and a complete joy to watch such an intelligent, nuanced exploration of love, relationships, and the past. All of the actors are superb, and the direction by Celine Song is faultess. It's hard to convey just how good this is, but many critics are hailing it as the 'film of the year'.

93rd Film of 2023:

Past Lives: A Purposeful Meditation on What Might Have Been. Read the here by

In UK cinemas today

From Crazy Rich Asians to new romance Past Lives, a raft of recent movies has featured reconnections with distant homelands deftly addressing complex questions around diaspora and identity

In stories about immigration, longing and loss, the idea of returning to the motherland can appear like an alluring siren call.

The main characters & their equation is understated & so subtly handled. A happy present on one side of the bar table, & a most meaningful possibility on the other -- without overt sentiment or melodrama -- seeing life & choices for what it is & what it could have all been. No resentment, no jealousy, no regret. There is a tinge of sadness, & it is so elegantly captured, almost directed at the passage of time, growing up, losing homes, people, places, languages, & ourselves.

Celine Song's is one of the most stunning movies that I have watched this year. It deserves all the applause it's received. It's visually beautiful, especially in how it frames vast empty urban spaces, and humanises them because of the characters in the shot, almost making you remember that places are often real because of the people you know in them.


I'm watching Past Lives (2023)

'Past Lives' is a raw, beautiful and touching film crafted brilliantly and realistically. , , , ,

J'viens de voir et je trouve vraiment dommage que le film soit distribu en France qu'en dcembre prochain, soit 6 mois aprs les US !
C'tait la premire ralisation de mais le film me donne vraiment une vibe mi-chemin entre et .
Il a un peu le mme ct "doux-amer"

Okay, is anyone else mind-boggled by the depth and (brutal) rawness of this new A24 flick in these times

was beautiful & well worth the hype. There's an obvious tonal nod to 'In the Mood for Love' & a thematic tie-in to 'Brooklyn', but it genuinely felt very much like it's own thing. Note-perfect performances and both direction & especially writing that had subtlety that's annoyingly uncommon. I loved how resolute it was in its wistfulness. The 'What If' was the point, not a tangible fantasy of something else or a trashing of the present. Gorgeous.

highly recommended!

What a great sensitive film. A film like a that is extremely attentive to people! It is also beautiful to look at!!

'Past Lives': This Is What Makes the Romantic Drama Feel Real

Ieri ho visto di ( )

con e (devo dire entrambi molto bravi)

Un film sentimentale che racconta la storia di una bambina e un bambino coreani molto legati (anche sentimentalmente, per come/quanto lo si possa essere da bambini) che si dividono improvvisamente quando lei emigra negli Stati Uniti con la famiglia mentre lui resta in Corea.

Where to Watch and Stream 'Past Lives': Is the A24 Film on Streaming

Past Lives (2023)
Cinema Theater, Row 2 Seat 11

Whatever idea you took away from watching the trailer, its not a love triangle story. The actors are so good its unreal. The script is fantastic. Set & sound designand the entire soundscapeexcel with lovingly detailed spaces and everyday sounds that deliver an almost physical experience. The cinematography feels like an actor in its own right, who leads youparticularly with

Past Lives Sets VOD Release Date


I just watched and it's a really beautiful film highly recommended!

I dont know what to feel afterwards..

Celine Song's 'PAST LIVES' is set to premiere on VOD in just 1 day.

Just a couple weeks till I go to to visit a battle field, that as a child, I had night terrors of dying on in another life.

to the

Past Lives der Regisseurin Celine Song luft im Kino! z.B. auch in OmU im Thalia Kino in Potsdam oder Delphi Lux am Berliner Zoo.

San Sebastian Festival to Screen May December, Zone of Interest, Past Lives in Best-of Sidebar

Film des Monats August gesehen:

Neues Lebenskonzept entdeckt:

It's the pod version of August's show on EHFM! Come hear me be lukewarm on , positive on , mixed on , and effusive on (with a sprinkle of enthusiasm) as part of our coverage. Play it/find your preferred pod source at the link below:

Does anyone here know ! How To pirate the movie Really wanna see it :(

What does it say about me that my two favorite films this year are and

AFCC member Josh reviews and

Woot! Woot! Woot!

Past Lives

< Audience favorite of 2023 according to Carlo Chatrian >

Nora and Hae Sung meet again after a long time in New York. As students, they both feel a lot for each other, but Nora's family emigrates to Canada, so the relationship breaks off.
But Nora has since married and doesn't want to give up her writing career in New York.

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