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Egy hnapja jtt ki a magyar

Egy hnapja jtt ki a magyar mozikban Celine Song nletrajzi ihlets, els nagyjtkfilmje, az Elz letek. Aki mg nem tette, javaslom, nzze meg. Nem csak azrt, mert nem ltezik olyan filmfesztivl, amit ne varzsolt volna el, s mert mr Oscar-jellst is kapott. Hanem mert tnyleg nagyon szp film. rok majd rla rszletesebben is, csak mg desztillldnia kell, mert a lasssga s egyszersge ellenre elg mly s sokrteg.

If you want to be gripping the armrests on the edge of your seat for a 2-minute scene of 2 people standing in front of a garage door, Past Lives is for you.

Celine Songs Next Project The Materialists Heads To EFM With A24, Dakota Johnson In Talks & More A-List Cast Circling

Past Lives

C una parola coreana, in-yun, che si potrebbe tradurre grossomodo come provvidenza o destino, inteso esclusivamente come quello che lega due persone. Se camminando per strada sfiorate accidentalmente il vestito di unaltra persona, quello in-yun, ovvero lincontro tra due esseri umani che, in qualche modo, si sono gi incrociati nelle loro vite passate e che ora si sono ritrovati, anche se solo il tempo di un respiro. Dunque non possibile controllare chi entra nella nostra vita, n tantomeno chi vi rimane: tutto governato da strati di in-yun. Su questa affascinante premessa si dipana il folgorante esordio cinematografico di Celine Song, unopera prima sconvolgente, ispirata a una vicenda autobiografica vissuta dalla stessa regista, che sembra quasi condensare la trilogia dei Before di Richard Linklater in un unico film, anche se qui i protagonisti non prendono in mano il loro destino, piuttosto lo subiscono.

I dodicenni Nora e Hae Sung, legatissimi amici dinfanzia, si ritrovano improvvisamente separati quando la famiglia di Nora decide di trasferirsi a vivere in Canada.Oltre un decennio dopo si ritrovano online, ma soltanto 24 anni dopo che riusciranno finalmente a incontrarsi, quando il ragazzo, ormai uomo, andr a passare una settimana a New York per rivedere la sua amica di un tempo, confrontandosi con lei sulle loro vite, sul destino, sullamore e su tutte quelle piccole scelte che influiscono sul futuro.

In Past Lives c un discorso profondo sullidentit, sulla figura di Nora, che non si sente pi coreana (ha anche occidentalizzato il suo nome) ma non pu neanche definirsi statunitense, permettendo a due lingue, due culture e due parti cos importanti della sua vita le sue radici, ma anche i suoi frutti di coesistere, di legare, con lei comunque al centro di tutto, di tutti, che tenta di dosare lo spazio da concedere alluna e allaltra. Da un lato c un uomo, lunico ad aver conosciuto Nora prima che diventasse la versione statunitense di se stessa, dallaltro c poi la sua vita presente, che non conoscer mai quella bambina di 12 anni che sognava di vincere il Nobel: nel mezzo, una scena al bancone di un bar che strazia lanima, chiunque sia il personaggio con il quale si decida di entrare in empatia. Come canta Leonard Cohen nel primo atto del film, theres no way to say goodbye, che si tratti di Hae Sung, del suo passato o di unintera parte di s. In questo film meraviglioso, non c veramente modo di dire addio.

#Cinema #corea #daVedere #destino #diCheParla #film #filmBellissimi #inYun #parolaCoreana #pastLives #recensione #significato #spiegazione #storia #trama

All Of Us Strangers, Barbie & May December Lead Dorian Awards Nominations

Past Lives on valtavan kaunis, herkk ja oivaltava elokuva ystvyyden ja romanttisen rakkauden joskus hmmentvllkin tavalla ristevist kudelmista, jotka rikastuttavat elm, vaikka elm itsessn olisi odottamatonta. Nihin henkilihin on helppo rakastua.

If you like childhood friend lover type shit

Just nabbed this from Express section at my local library. I have only heard good things about this film so I am excited to make some popcorn and have a night in on the sofa.

The remarkable and beautiful Oscar nominated film Past Lives is now streaming on Paramount+ with Showtime and available on Showtime On Demand.

Past Lives is streaming! Here's how to watch

"Watch romantic drama Past Lives on Paramount+ now! Stream it on the Paramount+ Essential tier with ads or the Paramount+ with Showtime tier with no ads. Don't miss out on this must-see movie!"

24 Best Movies New to Streaming in February: Oppenheimer, Past Lives, Priscilla and More

Christopher Nolan has revealed that his favorite recent films include 'AFTERSUN' and 'PAST LIVES.'

Petrified Wood offers us a glimpse at the distant past, helping us get in touch with our ancestors and past lives. Expand your Eclectic Witch Deck and learn more about working with the energy of the past with our exclusive Ancestor Magick Expansion Pack.

The Past Lives Actors Oscar Snubbing Is Sad, but Not Surprising

id so much wanted to see the as soon as i saw its in and at the end it didnt disappoint.

the first one i cant wait to see in is . hopefully itll come to my town soon. watch/trailer:

Finally sat down and watched Past Lives. So refreshing to watch characters that are nothing but honest with each other. The levels of empathy that these characters have for each other is at times surprisingly painful.


Merece muito o Oscar!!!!

Vidas Passadas um filme de romance/drama da diretora sul-coreana Celine Song e foi indicado como melhor filme e melhor roteiro ao OSCAR 2024!!
Confira nossa crtica!

Past Lives2

Discover your Past Life online.

The Oscars Didn't Know How to Appreciate Greta Lee in 'Past Lives'

Really happy to see Best Picture nominations for , and especially . I do wish had been nominated for Best Actress and for Best Director.

The awards will be held on Sunday, March 10. /4 end

Happy to see Original Screenplay nominations for and but absolutely thrilled that also received a nomination.

Thrilled to see a Best Supporting Actress nomination for for The Holdovers and happy to see a nomination for for .

I can't even tell you how happy I am for the nomination for because that's the musical number I'm most excited to see. /2

This Is What Makes 'Past Lives' Different From Other Love Triangles

Past Lives Helmer Celine Song On Breakthrough At Oscars With First Feature & Women Directors New Best Picture Record

snub takes:

deserved more, specifically Celine Song directing and Greta Lee acting. Best movie of the year.

got two best song nominations but not for the best song in the movie, the Dua Lipa "Dance the Night Away."

These Three Films Just Made Oscar History

The 2024 Oscar Nominations have been announced. Details here

Women Filmmakers Set Oscar Nomination Record In Best Picture Category

Women Directors Have Three Best Picture Nominees, Setting Oscar Record

s Debtfilm ist ein wunderschner, beruhigender und berhrender Liebesfilm ber die Vergnglichkeit des Glcks, verlorene Lebenswege, die flchtige Schnheit eines Augenblicks und ber das Verstndnis von Romantik in einer schnellen, unpersnlich-modernen Lebenswelt.


Morgen erscheinen die Nominierungen. Hier mal meine 10 Tipps fr die Nomierungen als bester Film Was sind eure Vermutungen

Ich habe (2023) auf mit 8/10 bewertet.

Greta Lee and Steven Yeun Have an Emotionally X-Rated Conversation via Interview Magazine

I was so annoyed with "Past Lives" that I have stopped watching for now. This sums up my feelings better than I could:

Past Lives Director the entire story is really happening through the sunrise and sunset of the actors faces. It spans many decades and many continents and the scale of it is the scale of a persons life. And thats massive and vast. - Variety

Past Lives

Past Lives (2023)

Just finished watching "Past Lives" by Celine Song. It's might seem to be about 'nothing' at first, but it's actually quite profound. The simplicity of the plot hides a rich narrative, making it truly captivating

New attempt alert
Movie recommendation for cinephiles frm my side! with your own suggestions
Hope this helps someone somewhere on internet

Watched Past Lives. 5 stars, no notes. Fantastic.
